Filters are used in Dimensions to filter search results or to start a search. The filter bar appears throughout Dimensions on the left-hand side of the screen, and the filters that are available will vary when searching different data sources (see below). Filters can be selected individually as a way to search, or layered on in combination to narrow the results.
In the example below, it is demonstrated how you can search for only Open Access publications published in 2017 in the area of artificial intelligence, which were affiliated to University College London.
- Always available for each content type
- Available for Publications
- Available for Datasets
- Available for Grants*
- Available for Patents*
- Available for Clinical Trials*
- Available for Policy Documents*
Always available for each content type
- Groups*
- My Groups* - Custom Groups from a search filter, created by you.
- Shared Groups* - Custom Groups that are shared within your organization.
- Funder Groups* - Recognized groups of funding organizations (e.g. all NIH institutes, all NSF sub-divisions, etc.).
- Research Organization Groups* - Recognized groups of research organizations (e.g. Max Planck Society, Ivy League, Russell Group).
- Funder* - The name of the funding organization that funded the work (for Datasets: the associated Publication).
- Country of Funder* - Country in which the Funder is based. In the case of International Funding Agencies, the country of the central office is used.
- Research Organization* - The name of the (automatically disambiguated) Research Organization...
- ...that an author is affiliated with (Publications and Datasets);
- ...that the research funding is allocated to (Grants).
- Location - Research Organization*
- Country - The country in which the Research Organization is based.
- State/Region - The state or region in which the Research (or Publishing) Organization is based.
- City - The city in which the Research Organization is based.
- Research Categories
- Fields of Research (ANZSRC 2020) - Categories from the FoR classification system from Australia and New Zealand.
- Research Condition and Disease Categorization* - Categories from the RCDC classification system from the United States of America.
- Health Category (HRCS)* - Categories from the HC branch of the HRCS (Health Research Classification System) from the United Kingdom.
- Research Activity Classification (HRCS)* - Categories from the RAC branch of the HRCS (Health Research Classification System) from the United Kingdom.
- Broad Research Areas* - Categories from the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification.
- Health Research Areas* - Categories from the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification.
- Cancer Types* - Cancer type codes from the International Cancer Research Partnership.
- Common Scientific Outline (CSO)* - Common Scientific Outline codes from the International Cancer Research Partnership.
Available for Publications
Publication Year - The year that the Publication was published.
Researcher - Author of the Publication.
Research Categories: additional
Units of Assessment - Classification scheme used by the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF) for assessing the quality of research in UK Higher Education Institutions
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - Set of 17 interconnected goals adopted by United Nations members states in 2015, aiming at addressing global challenges, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.
Publication Type - The type of publication (article, preprint, monograph, chapter or edited book).
Source Title - This is the name of the journal, if the publication is an article, or the name of the book, if applicable.
Publisher* - Name of the Publisher of the Publication (subsidiaries are displayed under the name of the overall publishing house).
Journal List - Filter for only Publications which are included in a particular Journal list.
Open Access - Filter for only Publications which are open access.
Available for Datasets
Publication Year - The year that the Dataset was published.
Researcher - Author of the Publication associated with the Dataset.
Research Categories: additional
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - Set of 17 interconnected goals adopted by United Nations members states in 2015, aiming at addressing global challenges, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.
Source Title - Name of the journal or book in which the Publication associated with the Dataset was published.
Repository - Source where the dataset has been posted, such as Figshare, Zenodo, etc. Some repositories hosted by Figshare are listed with their user-facing name (e.g. PLOS, NIH etc.).
Available for Grants*
Start Year - The calendar year that the Grant started/starts.
Active Year - The calendar year(s) in which the Grant was active. A Grant starting in 2012 and finishing in 2014 will have active years of 2012, 2013 and 2014.
- Grant status - The current status of the grant (e.g. Finished, Ongoing, Not yet started or Unknown).
Researcher - The name(s) of the Researcher(s) to whom the Grant was awarded.
Research Categories: additional
Units of Assessment - Classification scheme used by the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF) for assessing the quality of research in UK Higher Education Institutions
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - Set of 17 interconnected goals adopted by United Nations members states in 2015, aiming at addressing global challenges, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.
Available for Patents*
Publication year - The date on which a patent is published
Filed year - The year when a patent application is first filed at a patent office.
Priority year - The filing year of the earliest application of which priority is claimed
Granted year - The year on which the official body grants the patent.
Assignee - The Organization that has been assigned the patent.
Country of Assignee
State of Assignee
City of Assignee
IPCR - The International Patent Classification Reform. This is also sometimes known as IPC 8.
CPC - The Cooperative Patent Classification used through cooperation between EPO and USPTO.
Jurisdiction - The geographical jurisdiction of the Patent.
Status - The current legal status of the Patent.
Publication type - Whether this Patent has been granted, or has only been applied for.
Additional filters
Orange Book - Patents that are regarding drugs which appear in the “Orange Book” (also known as Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)).
Available for Clinical Trials*
Start Year - The calendar year that the Clinical Trial started/starts.
Active Year - The calendar year(s) in which the Clinical Trial was active. A Clinical Trial starting in 2012 and finishing in 2014 will have active years of 2012, 2013 and 2014.
- Clinical trial status - The current status of the clinical trial e.g. Finished, Ongoing, Not yet started, or Unknown.
- Collaborating Funder - Name of any Collaborating Funder
Sponsor/Collaborator - Name of any Sponsors/Collaborators
Condition - Human condition that the Clinical Trial is addressing.
Phase - Phase of the Clinical Trial (1-4).
Gender - Whether the focus of the Clinical Trial is on males, females, or both.
Registry - Which international registry the Clinical Trial is registered with.
Available for Policy Documents*
- Publishing Organization - Organization which has published the Policy Document.
* These filters/data sources are only available with a Dimensions subscription, and some may only be available in certain product variants. If you would like to know how to get a subscription for your organization, please get in touch.